Friday 28 August 2015

Mechanical Engineering

Simple Introduction to Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering

Elements in Mechanics

Mechanical: adjective to mechanics, something that has the mechanic characters. If 'a system' has mechanics element then we can say that the system is a mechanical system.

Mechanical Engineering: An engineering branch that deals with machines or mechanical system. How is the deal? It includes a compilation of works such as design, fabricate, develop and testing that regarded to the mechanical.

Favourite questions that lead to describe a person who has engineering characteristics:

1. What are you doing?    
Ans: I am developing a ..........

2. Why you do that?        
 Ans: Because the people want to ...........

3. In brief, can you describe what are you doing right now?
Ans: I am solving the problem by developing this .........

Old Malay technology in producing yarn. (location: Kelantan)

Sarawakian traditional blower. Fluid mechanics application.
 (Location: Sarawak)

Series Bi-plane kite @ Wau as recognized by locals. A symbol of Malaysian
 aerodynamic engineering. (Location: Terengganu)


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